I'm very disappointed that the Pistons didn't hire Avery (not because it was a great opportunity both the Piston organization and Avery) but because now I have to hear Mr. Johnson as an analyst on ESPN for another year. Anyway, I got to thinking and I really noticed that Avery Johnson looks strikingly similar to that little creature that sits at the giant slug tail of Jaba the Hutt in Star Wars. This creature, who I later found out is named Salicious B. Crumb, not only looks like Mr. Johnson, but acts like him, laughs like him, and is also just as annoying. I did some researching and Avery kinda looks like Salacious, but I found that there were a lot better NBA look-a-likes out there.
1. Avery Johnson/Salacious Crumb/Stephen Jackson

2. Sticking with the creature/alien/ugly as hell theme. NBA analyst/NBA great Reggie Miller and Quark from Star Trek Deep Space 9 have striking similarities.

3. That creates some what of a nice segway. NBA analyst and former Coach Jeff Van Gundy/Sam Eagle/Weirdo Subway Ghost who can move objects via the movie "Ghost" could be brothers/related to Larry from the 3 the Stooges.

4. On the note of NBA coaches. This past season Phil Jackson had a striking resemblance to Colonel Sanders.

5. Speaking of fried chicken, lets move onto the active players. I prefer to have these look-a-likes not look like an actual people, but rather compare these NBAers to creature/aliens/things but these next few were too obvious. So here are some human to human comparisions. Kevin Eubanks of Jay Leno fame and NBA journeyman Chucky Atkins.

Jason Richardson & Michael Irvin

Kenyon Martin and Method Man

6. I can't understand how the NBA doesn't follow the example of Little League/Stanford Basketball and make it mandatory, that if an NBA teams selects one player of a set of twins they are forced to acquire their sibling. Pictured Below: Stanford Alum The Collins/Lopez Twins

7. Moving on to politics. Scottie Pippen and Osama could be brothers, and hell forget about your real brother Taylor, Blake I think NY Governor David Patterson might be a better match.

8. While we are on the subject of rookies and even though he really isn't in the NBA yet. Ricky Rubio has a striking resemblance, to Mr. Potter.

9. Speaking of Harry Potter here is a whole slew of NBA look-a-likes from the aforementioned novel, taken from thoughtsfromthejockstrap.blogspot.com
Albus Dumbledore – Gregg Popovich
I have to admit that the beard Popovich grew this year was a big plus when it came to casting this role. His white hair and beard set make him a shoe-in for Dumbledore. Throw in his desire to coach and teach others and his intellectual nature and how could I use anyone else? As far as I know Popovich is not a homosexual so he might balk at that little morsel, but if Jake Gyllenhaal and the late Heath Ledger could get over their manliness to gay up the big screen on Brokeback Mountain then I’m sure Popovich could make the jump. “I wish I knew how to quit you, Tim Duncan?” My only advice to him, if he turns out to be a method actor, is to stay away from the boy’s wing of the Gryffindor dormitory if he knows what’s good for him.
Lord Voldemort - Mike Dunleavy Jr.
Who would have thought that Mike Dunleavy Jr. would have been good for anything other than being a gigantic douche? Well from the looks of this picture it seems that Dunleavy's talents run deeper than I first thought. It seems he is kind of in love with his long flowing hair-do so he might be against shaving his head, but if his only other choice is sucking it up on the basketball court for 15-20 minutes a night he might be persuaded to become the wizard world's version of the Prince of Darkness. He might as well shave it because if you've seen his dad roaming the sidelines for various NBA franchises it looks like Mike Jr's love affair with his hair will be short lived.
Supporting Roles
Dobby the House Elf - Steve Blake

I'm sure there will be a pt. 2 to this, but thats all for now.
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